HomeWhitepapersKubernetes in the Enterprise

Kubernetes in the Enterprise

This report shares Kubernetes deployment insights from a comprehensive survey of IT leaders and developers from organizations of all sizes and industries, conducted by independent research firm Vanson Bourne.

Key findings from the study include:

  • Kubernetes growth in AI and ML workloads displaced the 2020 survey’s top choice of application build structures with 40% of respondents citing it as the most popular workload. In addition, 88% of organizations agree that in the next two years, Kubernetes will be the platform of choice for running AI and ML workloads. Rounding out the top three most popular Kubernetes workloads were Windows containers (34%) and distributed data services (33%).
  • On average, 53% of all an organization’s projects are currently in production on Kubernetes. This is an increase from last year’s survey which found that 42% of projects were currently in production using Kubernetes.
  • 77% of respondents stated that it took six months or less to get their organization’s Kubernetes deployments to production. The average time that it took was four and a half months, down a half month from 2020.

Download the full report to learn more!


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